"I am Colin" é mais uma opção pra quem curte essas roupinhas, estilo American Apparel.
A marca foi criada a partir de um "muso", Colin:

Colin é o geek dentro de cada um, segundo seu "criador". É a expressão verdadeira de nós. É a nossa parte que não cede às pressões culturais - parecer bonito e sentir-se bem em tempo integral - um anti-herói fashion. Ses sonhos são : sucesso e garotas - com quem não tem experiência alguma. [ahahah] Seus dois melhores amigos são : Jesus e seu cão, Dave.
É mais engraçado ler a entrevista original - onde ele fala dos planos [ambiciosos, tipo vestir o Beckham gatom] pra marca - que eu tirei do site da Dazed & Confused.
Segue aqui, porque tem coisa que não foi escrita pra ser resumida ou traduzida:
Dazed Digital: Are you Colin?
I Am Colin: I am Colin... well sort of... but, my real name is Nick.
DD: Who is Colin based on?
I Am Colin: Colin is an expression of the real man inside every man. He's that part of us that doesn't measure up to the pressures of our culture - to look good and feel good all of the time – a fashionable anti-hero.
DD: What does Colin dream of?
I Am Colin: Success and girls. He has never experienced either of them.
DD: Does Colin have any friends or Pets?
I Am Colin: Colin's two best friends are Jesus and his dog Dave. Aka 'Dave the Dog'.
DD: Where does Colin hang out?
I Am Colin: Mostly in his caravan; it's the ultimate in luxury and relaxation.
DD: Does Colin often sit around in his pants?
I Am Colin: Yes. Particularly in the local launderette. He thinks he's that bloke off the old Levi's adverts.
DD: Where can I find ‘I am Colin’?
I Am Colin: Online and at Moda Menswear in Hertfordshire and Mulas in Florence, Italy. He is a bit of a recluse.
DD: Where does Colin hope to go in the future?
I Am Colin: Having been round most British shores in his caravan - Blackpool, Skegness and Great Yarmouth – he would like to venture further afield, perhaps Paris, Milan and New York?
DD: Who does Colin want to dress?
I Am Colin: He says David Beckham, because he's a good Essex boy who loves nothing more than lounging around in his underpants.
DD: What does Colin plan to make next?
I Am Colin: Socks and pants, and a full range of menswear including shirts, knitwear and jackets.
DD: Did Colin ever appear in the Mr Muscle adverts?
I Am Colin: It's a widely held belief that Colin did appear in the Mr Muscle TV adverts, however I'm sad to reveal it's actually a myth.
DD: Does Colin have a life philosophy?
I Am Colin: 'Many of life's failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.' Thomas Edisson.
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